Dear Dr. Eris,

Are rolling your eyes and saying “whatever” considered to be abusive behaviors in a relationship?

Dr. Eris Suggests,

Study after study show that most facial expressions don’t matter much when evaluating who is happy in their relationships. However, there is one kiss of death and that is EYE ROLLING. Eye rolling, as well as saying “whatever,” are dismissive, sarcastic and a sign that you do not value your partner.

I am sure that your partner feels uncared for, insulted and does not feel respected.

These actions are not only rude – they are childish. By continuing to act in this manner you will damage your relationship.

What these behaviors say to me is that you do not know how to communicate the deeper emotions that you are feeling towards your partner and/or in the relationship.

My suggestion is that you become more open with how you feel verbally. Use your words (other than the word “whatever”) instead of your eyes.


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