Dr. Eris: How to Heal Your Broken Heart
Dr. Eris shares how she broke-up with the idea that she was not enough. Read More

My Husband Wants A Divorce
Dr. Eris, I get sex once a month if I am lucky and will be married a year in July. My husband wants to divorce me because he thinks I lied about how much I owed on my student loans, which at the time I told him the amount that I believed it to be, and I wasn’t far...

Beauty On The Inside And Out
Hello. I just finished watching last week's episode of LA Shrinks and felt compelled to look you up and write. My name is Amy Arvary. I own a company call Amy Arvary Conscious Style. It is a culmination of my extensive experience as a beauty industry professional and...

Dr. Eris On The Moll Anderson Show
Last week I had the pleasure of being on The Moll Anderson Show. I just got the clip with my segment and am posting it below so you can have a listen if you'd like—we talked about LA Shrinks, my book "Break Up Emergency," couples therapy and lots more!...

5 Ways To Improve Body Image Without Breast Implants
Dr. Eris had to learn to love herself too. Read More
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